A next generation Scala compiler

Felix Mulder


  • Graduated last winter from LTH
  • Built the new 2.12.x Scaladoc
  • Research fellow EPFL, working on Dottydoc at LAMP
  • Compiler Engineer working on Dotty with Martin Odersky at LAMP
/end of bragging


Who uses Scala?

Camp I

“Scala is a better Java, type inference!”

Camp F

“Liek OMG, a monad’s just a monoid in the category of endofunctors”

“There is not agreement on what is ”best“, so all we can really do is try to find a local optimum. But finding that optimum is what drives me”


  • A compiler to try out new language and compiler concepts
  • Developed at LAMP EPFL
  • Nearing beta readiness


  • A proven sound foundation - DOT
  • Focus on simplification
  • Compilation speed
  • Library defined optimizations
  • Developer usability


  • No more procedure syntax
  • Union Types
  • Intersection Types
  • Trait Parameters


  • Pickling format
  • Typed Trees
  • Efficiently stored in bytecode
  • Interop between binary incompatible compilers

Procedure Syntax

def foo {}
// error!

def foo = {}
// res: Unit
But there’s a flag for that: -language:Scala2

Intersection and Union Types

  • A & B is the greatest lower bound: a supertype of all subtypes of both A and B
  • A | B is the least upper bound: a subtype of all supertypes of both A and B

Union Types for Enums

case object Monday
case object Tuesday
case object Wednesday
case object Thursday
case object Friday
case object Saturday
case object Sunday

type Weekend = Saturday.type | Sunday.type
type Weekday = Monday.type | Tuesday.type...
type AnyDay  = Weekday | Weekend

Patternmatch exhaustivity checks

(Saturday: Weekend) match {
case Sunday => // incomplete!

Intersection Types are the new `with`

trait A {
def foo: Int
trait B {
def bar: Int

def baz(ab: A & B) = +

Trait Parameters instead of Early Initializers

trait Super {
def x: String
class Foo extends Super {
val x = "hello"

new Foo
// prints: null
trait Super(x: String) {
class Foo extends Super("hello")

new Foo
// prints: "hello"

So now the fun stuff - Compiler internals

javac pipeline

  1. Parse
  2. Enter
  3. Annotate
  4. Attribue
  5. Flow
  6. Desugar
  7. Generate

dotty pipeline

source code

Regular Phases

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Fused Phases

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Let’s create a MiniPhase!

  • A simplistic static linter
  • This linter really cares about division by zero

So what do we need to do?

  1. Create a MiniPhase
  2. Add the Phase to Compiler
  3. Override the appropriate node transforms

Coding time!

So why aren’t we putting things like this in Dotty?

  • Principle of least power
  • Domain specific optimizations
  • …maybe we have something more fitting?

Dotty-Linker to the rescue!

  • Whole program optimization
  • Call graph
  • User defined rewrite rules

Reimplementing our linter

@rewrites object rules {
def customFancyWarning(x: Int | Double | ... | Numeric[_]) =
Warn(pattern = x / 0,
msg = "division by zero, you fool!")

Why do we need an optimizer?

Scala provides:
  • higher-order types
  • generic methods
  • generic classes
  • multiple inheritance
  • pattern matching
  • lazy evaluation
  • garbage collection


public double average(int[] data) {
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum += data[i];
return sum * 1.0d / data.length;
def average(xs: Array[Int]) =
xs.reduce(_ + _) * 1.0 / xs.size
Java Scala
45 msec 872 msec


public double average(int[] data) {
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum += data[i];
return sum * 1.0d / data.length;
  • Range check
  • Addition
  • Index increment


def average(xs: Array[Int]) =
xs.reduce(_ + _) * 1.0 / x.size
def reduce(op: Function2[Obj, Obj, Obj]): Obj = {
var first = true
var acc: Obj = null
this.foreach { e =>
if (first) {
acc = e
first = false
} else acc = op.apply(acc, e)

def foreach(f: Funtion1[Obj, Obj]) {
var i = 0
val len = length
while (i < len) {
i += 1

Compiler needs to lower generics

def plus[T](a: T, b: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): T =, b)

After getting rid of generics:

def plus(a: Object, b: Object, num: Numeric): Object =, b)

What does:

plus(1, 1)

look like?

unbox(plus(box(1), box(1), intNum))

Specialize all the things!

trait T[A1, A2, ..., An]
how many combinations?
10 ^ n
trait T[A1, A2, ..., An] {
def foo[B1, B2, ..., Bm] = ???
and now?
10 ^ (n + m)

Existing solutions for Scala 2

  • @specialized
  • Miniboxing


def foo[@specialized A](a: A) = ???
Creates one version for each of Scala’s 9 primitives:
int, long, short, byte, char, float, double, boolean, "void"

+ 1 for reference types
== 10 versions


  • Mark types using @specialized
  • Can specify for which types e.g:
  • 10^n
  • No inheritance


  • Reduces the factor to: 3^n
  • Handles inheritance
trait Function3[-T1, -T2, -T3, +R]

Both: how many specializations are needed?

  • Specialization: 10000 classes
  • Miniboxing: 81 classes

Are they asking the right question though?

Dotty Linker’s approach

Don’t ask the user what to specialize
- specialize on what’s actually being used.

Auto-Specialization in Dotty Linker

  • Takes your program & libraries, analyzes how you use them
  • Sees what instantiations are needed
  • Specializes them
  • No need to annotate types
Types and terms are treated the same for specialization:
def foo[T](x: Seq[T], id: Int) = x(id)
  • Type specialization removes boxing
  • Term specialization removes virtual dispatch


Developer Usability

Thank you!